Phar File ========= .. caution:: Using the Silex ``phar`` file is deprecated. You should use Composer instead to install Silex and its dependencies or download one of the archives. Installing ---------- Installing Silex is as easy as downloading the `phar `_ and storing it somewhere on the disk. Then, require it in your script:: get('/hello/{name}', function ($name) use ($app) { return 'Hello '.$app->escape($name); }); $app->run(); Console ------- Silex includes a lightweight console for updating to the latest version. To find out which version of Silex you are using, invoke ``silex.phar`` on the command-line with ``version`` as an argument: .. code-block:: text $ php silex.phar version Silex version 0a243d3 2011-04-17 14:49:31 +0200 To check that your are using the latest version, run the ``check`` command: .. code-block:: text $ php silex.phar check To update ``silex.phar`` to the latest version, invoke the ``update`` command: .. code-block:: text $ php silex.phar update This will automatically download a new ``silex.phar`` from ```` and replace the existing one. Pitfalls -------- There are some things that can go wrong. Here we will try and outline the most frequent ones. PHP configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Certain PHP distributions have restrictive default Phar settings. Setting the following may help. .. code-block:: ini detect_unicode = Off phar.readonly = Off phar.require_hash = Off If you are on Suhosin you will also have to set this: .. code-block:: ini suhosin.executor.include.whitelist = phar .. note:: Ubuntu's PHP ships with Suhosin, so if you are using Ubuntu, you will need this change. Phar-Stub bug ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some PHP installations have a bug that throws a ``PharException`` when trying to include the Phar. It will also tell you that ``Silex\Application`` could not be found. A workaround is using the following include line:: require_once 'phar://'.__DIR__.'/silex.phar/autoload.php'; The exact cause of this issue could not be determined yet. ioncube loader bug ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ioncube loader is an extension that can decode PHP encoded file. Unfortunately, old versions (prior to version 4.0.9) are not working well with phar archives. You must either upgrade Ioncube loader to version 4.0.9 or newer or disable it by commenting or removing this line in your php.ini file: .. code-block:: ini zend_extension = /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/