
The TranslationServiceProvider provides a service for translating your application into different languages.


  • (optional): A mapping of domains/locales/messages. This parameter contains the translation data for all languages and domains.
  • locale (optional): The locale for the translator. You will most likely want to set this based on some request parameter. Defaults to en.
  • locale_fallback (optional): Fallback locale for the translator. It will be used when the current locale has no messages set. Defaults to en.



$app->register(new Silex\Provider\TranslationServiceProvider(), array(
    'locale_fallback' => 'en',


The Symfony Translation Component comes with the “fat” Silex archive but not with the regular one. If you are using Composer, add it as a dependency to your composer.json file:

"require": {
    "symfony/translation": "2.1.*"


The Translation provider provides a translator service and makes use of the parameter:

$app[''] = array(
    'messages' => array(
        'en' => array(
            'hello'     => 'Hello %name%',
            'goodbye'   => 'Goodbye %name%',
        'de' => array(
            'hello'     => 'Hallo %name%',
            'goodbye'   => 'Tschüss %name%',
        'fr' => array(
            'hello'     => 'Bonjour %name%',
            'goodbye'   => 'Au revoir %name%',
    'validators' => array(
        'fr' => array(
            'This value should be a valid number.' => 'Cette valeur doit être un nombre.',

$app->get('/{_locale}/{message}/{name}', function ($message, $name) use ($app) {
    return $app['translator']->trans($message, array('%name%' => $name));

The above example will result in following routes:

  • /en/hello/igor will return Hello igor.
  • /de/hello/igor will return Hallo igor.
  • /fr/hello/igor will return Bonjour igor.
  • /it/hello/igor will return Hello igor (because of the fallback).


Silex\Application\TranslationTrait adds the following shortcuts:

  • trans: Translates the given message.
  • transChoice: Translates the given choice message by choosing a translation according to a number.
$app->trans('Hello World');

$app->transChoice('Hello World');


YAML-based language files

Having your translations in PHP files can be inconvenient. This recipe will show you how to load translations from external YAML files.

First, add the Symfony2 Config and Yaml components in your composer file:

"require": {
    "symfony/config": "2.1.*",
    "symfony/yaml": "2.1.*"

Next, you have to create the language mappings in YAML files. A naming you can use is locales/en.yml. Just do the mapping in this file as follows:

hello: Hello %name%
goodbye: Goodbye %name%

Then, register the YamlFileLoader on the translator and add all your translation files:

use Symfony\Component\Translation\Loader\YamlFileLoader;

$app['translator'] = $app->share($app->extend('translator', function($translator, $app) {
    $translator->addLoader('yaml', new YamlFileLoader());

    $translator->addResource('yaml', __DIR__.'/locales/en.yml', 'en');
    $translator->addResource('yaml', __DIR__.'/locales/de.yml', 'de');
    $translator->addResource('yaml', __DIR__.'/locales/fr.yml', 'fr');

    return $translator;

XLIFF-based language files

Just as you would do with YAML translation files, you first need to add the Symfony2 Config component as a dependency (see above for details).

Then, similarly, create XLIFF files in your locales directory and add them to the translator:

$translator->addResource('xliff', __DIR__.'/locales/en.xlf', 'en');
$translator->addResource('xliff', __DIR__.'/locales/de.xlf', 'de');
$translator->addResource('xliff', __DIR__.'/locales/fr.xlf', 'fr');


The XLIFF loader is already pre-configured by the extension.

Accessing translations in Twig templates

Once loaded, the translation service provider is available from within Twig templates:

{{ app.translator.trans('translation_key') }}

Moreover, when using the Twig bridge provided by Symfony (see TwigServiceProvider), you will be allowed to translate strings in the Twig way:

{{ 'translation_key'|trans }}
{{ 'translation_key'|transchoice }}
{% trans %}translation_key{% endtrans %}

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